Kyle Preston, Guojun Chen, Cole Chapman, Sarat Gundavarapu, Ebrahim Aljohani, Armando Paredes Arroyo, Chi-Chen Lin, Alexander Vinitsky, Alana Gonzales, Ze Yin, Michael Dubrovsky, and Diedrik Vermeulen (2024). “Silicon Photonics-Powered Biosensing for Rapid Quantification of Blood Biomarkers,” Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2024 (FiO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2024), paper FTu1D.1.
Højfeldt, Grith, Trent Sorenson, Alana Gonzales, Michael Kjaer, Jesper L Andersen, Abigail L Mackey (2023). “Fusion of myofibre branches is a physiological feature of healthy human skeletal muscle regeneration,” Skeletal Muscle, vol. 13, 13.
Aljohani, Ebrahim, Sarat Gundavarapu, Cole A. Chapman, Armando Paredes Arroyo, Guojun Chen, Chi-Chen Lin, Andrea Romig, Kyle Preston, Alexander Vinitsky, Alana Gonzales, Eric Hsu, Jordan Cobb, Yulia Rybakova, Michael Dubrovsky, Diedrik Vermeulen (2023). “Silicon Photonics System for Low-Cost Rapid Quantification of Biomarkers in Blood,” 2023 IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference (SiPhotonics), 1-2.
Nief, Corrine, Alana Gonzales, Erika Chelales, Júlia Sroda Agudogo, Brian T. Crouch, Smita Nair, Nirmala Ramanujam (2022). “Targeting tumor acidosis and regulatory T cells unmasks anti-metastatic potential of local tumor ablation in triple-negative breast cancer,” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 23, 8479.
Agudogo, Júlia, Corrine Nief, Alana Gonzales, Erika Chelales, Rebecca Previs, Jenna Mueller, Brian Crouch, Nimmi Ramanujam (2022). “A novel point-of-care ethyl cellulose ethanol ablative therapy for the enhancement of paclitaxel in local recurrent cervical cancer treatment (308.5),” Gynecologic Oncology, vol. 166, supplement 1, S162.
Nief, Corrine A., Júlia Sroda Agudogo, Alana Gonzales, Rebecca A. Previs, Smita K Nair, Nimmi Ramanujam (2021). “Resetting the tumor microenvironment to favor anti-tumor immunity after local ablation,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 39, issue 15_suppl, 2561.
Agudogo, Júlia Sroda, Corrine Nief, Erika Chelales, Alana Gonzales, Jenna Mueller, Brian Crouch, Rebecca A. Previs, Nimmi Ramanujam (2021). “A novel treatment for recurrent localized cervical cancer using point-of-care ethyl cellulose ethanol ablation with concurrent cytotoxic therapy,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 39, issue 15_suppl, e17507.
Chung, Soo, Lane E. Breshears, Alana Gonzales, Christian M. Jennings, Christina M. Morrison, Walter Q. Betancourt, Kelly A. Reynolds & Jeong-Yeol Yoon (2021). “Norovirus detection in water samples at the level of single virus copies per microliter using a smartphone-based fluorescence microscope,” Nature Protocols, vol. 16, 1452-1475.
Ulep, Tiffany-Heather, Ryan Zenhausern, Alana Gonzales, David S. Knoff, Paula A. Lengerke Diaz, Januario E. Castro & Jeong-Yeol Yoon (2020). “Smartphone based on-chip fluorescence imaging and capillary flow velocity measurement for detecting ROR1+ cancer cells from buffy coat blood samples on dual-layer paper microfluidic chip,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 153, 112042.
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